David Lloyd Dusenbury előadása a HTK-n

A Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem Hittudományi Kara tisztelettel meghívja Önöket  David Lloyd Dusenbury (Catholic University of Leuven, Danube Institute Budapest) "I Obstruct Not Your Dominion": Augustine's World-Historical Sermons on the Roman Trial of Jesus című előadására.

Az előadás rövid összefoglalója:

This lecture examines Augustine of Hippo’s world-historical sermons on the Roman trial of Jesus, in his Homilies on the Gospel of John. “Pilate was a Roman”, he says, “and the Romans sent him to Judaea as governor.” As this suggests, for the illustrious African bishop, the sentence under which Jesus died is a Roman sentence. The passion is legally, for Augustine – unlike for many patristic commentators – a Roman affair. On Augustine’s reading, Jesus is arrested by Romans, and it is a “Roman judge” (iudex Romanus) who sentences him to death. In contrast to much of the Christian tradition, Augustine accepts that it is the Roman imperium that most brutally tortures, condemns, and kills Jesus. Augustine’s insistence on Pilate’s guilt has a long political legacy in medieval and early modern Europe – in a word, this political legacy is the concept of the ‘secular’.

Kezdési időpont: 2021. december 7. 15:00.
Helyszín: KRE HTK
(1022 Budapest, Csopaki utca 6.) I. emelet, exhortációs terem
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