Peter Balla:
"'Now the Lord is the Spirit': A Christological Reading of 2 Cor 3:17", in: Petra von Gemünden - Annette Merz - Helmut Schwier (eds): Resonanzen: Gerd Theißen zum 80. Geburtstag. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2023, pp. 99-103, ISBN 978-3-579-06228-0
Péter Balla:
“On the Addressees of the Letter to the Galatians”, in: Ute E. Eisen – Heidrun E. Mader (eds): Talking God in Society: Multidisciplinary (Re)constructions of Ancient (Con)texts. Festschrift for Peter Lampe (2 vols), Volume 2: Hermeneuein in Global Contexts: Past and Present, NTOA 120/2, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2020, 127-138.
Peter Balla:
“Hungary and Christian Education”, in: George Thomas Kurian – Mark A. Lamport (eds): Encyclopedia of Christian Education. (3 vols), Lanham-Boulder-New York-London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015, 615-616 (in vol. 2). (ISBN 978-0-8108-8492-2)
Peter Balla:
“How Radical is Itinerant Radicalism? The Case of Luke 14:26”, in: Petra von Gemünden – David G. Horrell – Max Küchler (Hg.): Jesus – Gestalt und Gestaltungen: Rezeptionen des Galiläers in Wissenschaft, Kirche und Gesellschaft. Festschrift für Gerd Theißen zum 70. Geburtstag. (NTOA/StUNT 100) Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013, 51-61.
Peter Balla:
“The New Testament Foundation of Peace and Reconciliation”, in: Pauline C.H. Kollontai – Victoria Nesfield (eds): Building Communities of Reconciliation. 3 vols., Vol. III: Christian Theologies of Peace and Reconciliation. Seoul, Korea: Nanumsa, 2012, 47-58 (ISBN set: 978-89-7027-086-9 04230; ISBN vol. 3: 978-89-7027-089-0)
Peter Balla:
“Did Jesus Break the Fifth (Fourth) Commandment?”, in: Tom Holmén – Stanley E. Porter (eds): Handbook for the Study of the Historical Jesus. 4 vols., vol. 4: Individual Studies, Leiden – Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2011, pp.2947-2972. (ISBN Set: 978-90-04-16372-0; Vol. 4: 978-90-04-17094-0)
Balla Péter:
“Dealing with Tensions in the Early Church: The Example of Acts 6,1-7”, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai: Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 55 (2010)/1, 29-33. (Re-publication of the following paper: “Dealing with tensions in the Early Church: the example of Acts 6:1-7”, Sacra Scripta: Review of the Center for Biblical Studies Nr. 2 (December 2004, Cluj-Napoca), 91-96.)
Peter Balla:
“‘From glory to glory’ – Paul’s use of the Old Testament in 2 Corinthians 3”, in: Constantine J. Belezos (ed.): Saint Paul and Corinth. vol. 1. Athens: Psichogios Publications S. A., 2009, 265-279.
P. Balla:
“Paul’s use of slavery imagery in the Hagar allegory”, In die Skriflig 43 (2009)/1, 119-134.
Peter Balla:
“Chreia, apophthegm”, in: Craig A. Evans (ed.): Encyclopedia of the Historical Jesus. New York and London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008, 98-101.
Peter Balla:
“Child-Parent Imagery in the Catholic Epistles”, The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 6 (2002)/1, 66-77.
Peter Balla:
“What Did Jesus Think about his Approaching Death?”, in: M. Labahn – A. Schmidt (eds): Jesus, Mark and Q. JSNTSS 214, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001, 239-258.
Peter Balla:
“Did All the First Christians Have to Leave Their Parents?”, European Journal of Theology 7 (1998)/2, 101-111.
Peter Balla:
“Does Acts 2:36 Represent an Adoptionist Christology?”, European Journal of Theology 5 (1996)/2, 137-142.
Peter Balla:
“Is the Law Abolished According to Eph. 2:15?”, European Journal of Theology 3 (1994)/1, 9-16.
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