Felvételi a Hittudományi Karon a 2025/26. tanévben induló képzésekre

Reviews by Peter Balla

(Review by) Peter Balla:
David A. deSilva: Honor, Patronage, Kinship, and Purity: Unlocking New Testament Culture. Second edition.

In: European Journal of Theology 32 (2023)/2, 346-348.

2023 - Review_by_Peter_Balla_on_deSilva_Honor_Patronage_in_EJT


(Review by) Peter Balla: 
Louise Heldgaard Bylund, René Falkenberg, Marianne Bjelland Kartzow, Kasper Bro Larsen (eds.): Nordic Interpretations of the New Testament: Challenging Texts and Perspectives (Studia Aarhusiana Neotestamentica 5).  

In: European Journal of Theology 31 (2022)/1, 139-142. 

2022 - Review by Peter Balla on Nordic Interpretations of the New Testament


(Review by) Peter Balla:
Ian Paul: Revelation: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries 20). 

In: European Journal of Theology 29 (2020)/1, 82-83.

2020 - Review by Peter Balla on commentary on Revelation


(Review by) Peter Balla:
David B. Gowler: James Through the Centuries. Wiley Blackwell Bible Commentaries.

In: European Journal of Theology 23 (2014)/2, 181-182.

2014 - Review by Peter Balla on commentary on James


(Review by) Peter Balla:
Wallace, James Buchanan: Snatched into Paradise (2 Cor 12:1–10): Paul’s Heavenly Journey in the Context of Early Christian Experience. (BZNW 179) Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2011.

In: Bulletin for Biblical Research 22 (2012)/2, 291-293.

2012 - Review by Peter Balla on book on 2Cor 12


(Review by) Peter Balla:
The Cambridge Companion to St Paul (Edited by James D. G. Dunn). 

In: European Journal of Theology 13 (2004)/2, 137-139.  

2004 - Review by Peter Balla on Companion to the Apostle Paul


(Review by) Peter Balla:
Heikki Räisänen: Neutestamentliche Theologie?: Eine religionswissenschaftliche Alternative

In: Review of Biblical Literature 4 (2002), 316-319.

2002 - Review by Peter Balla on Raisanen_Neutestamentliche Theologie?


(Review by:) Peter Balla:
Richard Hays: 1 Corinthians

In: Trinity Journal 21 (2000)/1, 102-107.

2000 - Review by Peter Balla on commentary on 1Corinthians


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