Cyril Pasquier előadása a HTK-n

A Magyar Patrisztikai Társaság Elnöksége és a Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem Hittudományi Kara tisztelettel meghívja Önt Cyril Pasquier (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Université de Strasbourg) The Notion of Heresy in the Patristic Times: A Historical and Theological Approach című előadására.

Az előadás időpontja: 2023. november 17., 16:00

Helyszíne: KRE HTK, Budapest, Ráday utca 28. I. emelet, Tóth Kálmán terem (bejárat a Markusovszky térről)

Az előadás összefoglalása:
Christianity is sometimes better known as opposition to heresy than as the proclamation of a simple positive message without even the idea of opposition or contradiction. The patristic period was no exception, particularly with all its anti-heretical treatises. But what is exactly behind this word and this concept of “heresy”, especially in the first centuries of the Church? We will first study the various meanings given to “heresy” (etymological, philosophical, biblical, etc.), then we will focus on its theological sense. This will be followed by a development on the historical meaning of “heresy”. Finally we will operate a synthesis of the theological and historical approaches. Is there a possible unified definition of heresy for both theologians and historians?

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